Friends Of St Mary’s

It is generally accepted that St. Mary’s Church, Kidwelly, a Grade 1 listed building, is one of the finest parish churches in Carmarthenshire, if not the whole of South-West Wales. This ancient and historic priory church has survived the ravages of time and been a place of worship for many centuries. Together with Kidwelly Castle, the Church dominates the skyline as the traveller approaches the town and especially at night when St. Mary’s slender and beautifully proportioned spire is floodlit. Pointing heavenward it witnesses to the central place traditionally held by the Christian faith in this community.

The Friends, run by an Executive Committee, continues to support the work of the Church in a variety of ways. 

Aims of the Friends

Our aims are quite simply to:

i. Assist the Incumbent and Parochial Church Council in maintaining this historic Church to the greater glory of god and in honour of Mary.

ii. Subscribe to the funds required for the on-going worship and maintenance and beautification of the fabric of the building.

iii. Assist in the raising of capital funds for any emergency which cannot be provided from funds readily available to the Incumbent and Churchwardens. 

How to become a Friend

As Friends of St. Mary’s we are attempting to contact people who have either a connection with the Church or would like to support its work. For a minimum annual subscription of £15, you can join the Friends. In return you will receive an annual Newsletter; information relating to forthcoming events and be the given the opportunity to rekindle or develop links with our active community.

Anyone can become a Friend. In particular we have thought of people who no longer live in the locality but who have had some previous contact with the Church through family links such as baptisms, weddings or through the burial of relatives in the Churchyard.

We would be grateful if you could, please, either consider becoming a Friend yourself and/or spread the message to others who you think might be interested in becoming a Friend. Your help in publishing the work of the Friends as widely as possible would be much appreciated.

The Friends would also like to aim this part of our appeal to those who do not necessarily share our faith, but who, for a variety of reasons, might wish to be associated with St. Mary’s.

Friends Of St Mary’s

If you are interested in becoming a Friend, or simply finding out more, or if you know of someone else connected with St. Mary’s or Kidwelly, contact us  through the Church website